Monday, March 3, 2014

Electron Gofigurations


1. Textbook sections 11.9-11.11; also review the Key Terms and Summary on page 354. Videos are another option for sections 9-10; see below. (But do read section 11).

2. Worksheets handed out in class (3) The best way to understand is to practice the paradigm!  Also, here is site to check the difficult ones; and yes, there are exceptions! Some of you will really hate this stuff, and others will find it oddly pleasant...I am one of the latter. Go figure.

3. "Questions for Analysis" from lab.

If the book is confusing and you would rather watch a video, here is a sequence that should be OK:
(If you find something better, let us know!)

So this teacher makes mistakes too!


  1. Hey Mrs. Harmon, can you send me the packet/handout that had us do the arrow electron thingies?? You were one short in class and i forgot to ask for an extra!

