Friday, February 28, 2014

A periodic table of orbitals

video:  The World of Chemistry: The Atom  click the VOD button by #6-The Atom.  28 minutes.  A review of the atom that summarizes this week's lesson aims, particularly in the last 10 minutes. If you are very comfortable with the whole atomic theory stuff, just watch the last 10 minutes and go on to the more advanced material from  The Mechanical Universe: Particles and Waves click the VOD button for #50.  This is extra understanding for those of you who wish to go deeper.  28 minutes. and fascinating (to me). If you are intimidated by the  math, just pretend that the equations are doing complicated dance moves.  If this year has been your first introduction to atomic theory, just watch the first video in its entirety and skip the second.

Textbook reading: 11.7-11.8 which may make our whirlwind tissue paper art project have a little more meaning to us.  Answer end of chapter questions for each section.

And here is a worksheet that will help you see the patterns: Where are the electrons?

Lastly, a site to peruse: The Orbitron  Don't read it, just click on the various sub-levels to see the increasing complexity of the higher energy levels.

Thank you for your very excellent work on the lab reports, and for the fantastic level of cooperative learning demonstrated in class.  You make me feel like a real teacher.


  1. I cannot find the link to the second video. The vod links only go to 26 on the site.

  2. That's okay Avery, the only good part in either video is in #6, 27:19...



      There you go.

      The Mechanical Universe...and Beyond, is a different video series than World of Chemistry. The link takes you to World of Chemistry, from there you have to go to the other video series and find it...

  3. thanks, danny for solving the problem. I also fixed the link.
