Tuesday, March 18, 2014

[Lasleys, sorry you're sick, you can do the lab from class at home - it is in the textbook on page 393]

 Take notes!

Wrapping Up Chapter 12: Understanding Molecular Bonds:
- review Key Words by writing definitions or "pictographs" for each word on the list (page 394)
-read Summary to make sure you "get" the major concepts for this chapter
-answer the Critical Thinking questions 53-60 at the chapter's end.
-do this worksheet: http://www.csun.edu/~jte35633/worksheets/Chemistry/6-3AtomicRadius.pdf
I would like you to turn in a packet of your work from this chapter on Thursday - please organize all your notes, worksheets and Q/A to turn in on Thursday.  Check past homework blogs to see if you missed any homework. Put everything in a cheapy folder.  Copies are acceptable.

Did you ORDER a copy of the Cartoon Guide to Chemistry???????

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