Friday, April 25, 2014

The best way to learn is to TEACH!

  1. Put your notebook in order/review for the test.  Gather notes/worksheets/experiments from chapters 13, 14, and 15 ( gas laws, intermolecular forces, liquids and solids, solutions); it should have its own section and should be put in a sensible order. Review vocabulary and main concepts and math work. Also review chapters 6-7 from the comic book guide; this should all be coming together now, hopefully.  Be able to read/interpret the graphs. Test on Thursday.
  2. Worksheet from class:  Types of Solids, look in your textbooks chapter 14.6 and 14.7. Also Mr. Anderson...                                                                                                                                    23 - Ionic Solids
    24 - Metallic Solids
    25 - Covalent Network Solids
    26 - Molecular Solids
  3. Math worksheets from class: Molarity and Dilutions (answer sheet to follow...)
  4. And prepare your demos! to be done on Monday!  Let me know what you need TODAY, because I might not have it!  I'm really looking forward to these; the last time we did this, it was amazingly productive -- The best way to learn is to TEACH!

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