Tuesday, April 15, 2014


For all these videos, TAKE NOTES!
But the next video is just interesting, so notes is optional. [vocabulary to remember: hydrophobic "water-fearing", hydrophilic "water-loving"]

Having watched these videos, reinforce your learning by reading the rest of chapter 14, sections 4-7, as well as re-reading chapter 6 of the comic book guide to chemistry.  Highlight major points as you go.

Spend some time thinking about Monday's experiment, and reform your answers to the questions to reflect your increased understanding of evaporation and vapor pressure.  I would like you to turn in both experiment pages (cooling wax/boiling water + evaporation)  

If you missed class on Monday, here are the experiment pages: 

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Harmon, where did you say you could buy chemicals, but not in bulk?
