Friday, December 6, 2013

Prepare! meet thy Doom. [just something from the old days]

Priority for those of you who are doing chemistry demonstrations on Monday...prepare your lab, acquire the necessary supplies (NOT on Sunday) asap, calling me is better than email, and sooner is better than later.  (Lily, Jadon & Jesse)

From the Review worksheets: 8-2 Naming Ionic Compounds, 8-3 Writing Formulas, and if you still need work, but later is OK => 8-4 Ionic Compounds, Names & Formulas. Review to remember these 6 polyatomic ions and their charges:  hydroxide, nitrate,  carbonate, sulfate phosphate, ammonium. (nob,cob,soy,poy)  hints for remembering polyatomic atoms 

From the Textbook 8.6 & 8.7 Ways to Classify Reactions, and Other Ways to Classify Reactions, do self-check and section questions 1-5 on page 243, including the What If? on the side.
Suggestion: When you read any chemical formulas, say the words, not the letters, in your mind.  For instance, think "sodium chloride" or "potassium hydroxide", not spelling NaCl or KOH.  Don't let your brain skip over the equations; read and picture what is happening at the molecular level  as best you can.  Feel free to write notes in your book, like "CH4=>methane", and pretty soon the chemical equations will be less like phonics and more like sight-reading.  8.5-8.7 section answers

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