Monday, October 21, 2013

TUESDAY'S HOMEWORK : hints for remembering polyatomic atoms

Please NOTE: I will post WEDNESDAY's homework tomorrow.  

  Watch the first half for some review, but skip the rest    when it goes to acid-naming; that's for much later.

Take notes ALWAYS; in order to retain any of this you must take notes. Remembering starts with a pencil. 

Take notes here; in order to retain any of this you must take notes. Remembering starts with a pencil. 

Take notes here; in order to retain any of this you must take notes. Remembering starts with a pencil. 

If you are wondering which polyatomic ions to memorize, this is the starter list:
 hydroxide, nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, sulfite, carbonate, phosphate, ammonium.  

and so now for a worksheet to practice and before you proceed, write down all the tricks you learned at the bottom of the page. with...
You will be glad to know there is an answer sheet!

but if you need to get it done today...
 Conversion Factors, by Tyler Dewitt: (what I should have taught before we did moles)  Watch enough to do this worksheet:  yea! there are answers to check your own work.

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