Monday, October 7, 2013

So depending on whether you have studied particle physics before, this stuff is a review or else it is getting your feet wet. There is so much more we could cover, and we will, but for now we are getting used to thinking about the basics of atomic structure and the basic periodic table, and all the vocabulary that goes along.

Very Short but Interesting Videos:
Basic Atomic Structure

Amazing Atoms - What Atoms Are Not Like.

Have you ever seen an atom?

And this will help you with the textbook reading:  Print out the table below before watching the 7 min. video textbook.
  The Periodic Table
Print out this periodic table:
Color in your periodic table in groups as you watch/read:
Now for Mr. Anderson: A Tour of the Periodic Table (10 min)
Also color in:
alkali metals
alkaline earth metals
noble gases
transition metals

Reading Textbook: 3.8-3.9, plus section questions on page 82-83  .[If you have trouble with getting to the worksheets, try finding the site and going from there.]

Print this >>>Worksheet:  The diagrams might look like this (electrons are in energy levels) except you can just write how many electrons in each energy level.  We'll go over it in class if it is too confusing.

Last but not least read another 30+ pages of Uncle Tungsten.   AND...keep memorizing the Song: