Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Starting the Review:

If you think you might like to take the placement test, sooner would be better than later; results are good for 3 years, although it may be different for chemistry, because to do 1A you must also petition.  You need to be a  JC student.

  • Read Chapters 1 & 2 in the Cartoon Guide to Chemistry. It is not necessary to color, but you can if you want to.

  • Le Chatelier Experiment:  Fill in as much of the Question section as possible, since you won't have much/any homework time this weekend.

  • Collect and organize all worksheets and notes from chapter 17, Equilibrium.

  • I have forgotten to collect the corrected tests from chapters 13-15.  Could you complete those and bring by Monday.  thanks.


  1. 9, but I had to guess a bit on some.

  2. I cannot find my test. . .I am afraid I may have recycled it during one of my cleaning sprees.
