Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Experience the Power of the [H+]!

STUDY HINT: When you study chemistry section by section in multiple homework assignments, spend a few minutes to review the chapter from the beginning before you go on to the next section:  the vocabulary, the summarizing points, and the math bits, in particular.  You will find that as you do so, what you once thought difficult will become more and more familiar, maybe even easy; you will understand the following sections more thoroughly, and you will automatically be prepared for the test.

Two worksheets that review yesterday's lesson:
16.1 answers
16.2 answers
You don't need to do all the problems, just enough so you know you've "got it."  Also, print out this one:
and the pH worksheet answers here.

To review or substitute for section 16.3, watch and take notes:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6gpQy6H490 13 minutes MUST TAKE NOTES!  After this it will be easier to do the math problems from 16.3.  Do some of those.

Also watch: Take NOTES!

On to pH; more from Amy---> 18 minutes Helps with math and calculators.
ABSOLUTELY you MUST follow along with your pencil and calculator!!!
This will cover the material from 16.4, now you should be able to do the worksheet printed out above. (19.3 pH) You may need to reference your textbook as well.

STUDY HINT: When you study chemistry section by section in multiple homework assignments, spend a few minutes to review the chapter from the beginning before you go on to the next section:  the vocabulary, the summarizing points, and the math bits, in particular.  You will find that as you do so, what you once thought difficult will become more and more familiar, maybe even easy; you will understand the next chapter more thoroughly, and you will automatically be prepared for the test.

1 comment:

  1. I'm understanding all of it except how to do certain calculator functions, if we could go over that in class that would be very helpful.
