Friday, February 7, 2014

Read the Cartoon Chemistry handout from class.

MAIN THING: Go over the Handwarmer experiment pages, preparing for the actual experiment on Monday.  If you'd like a new copy: Handwarmer Handout  It would be really helpful to make a data table-)   Anyway, read and re-read, really carefully. This is an inquiry lab, so the procedure you follow at this point is up to your team, but you will have to write down that procedure in a lab report. WE WILL DO AN ACTUAL LAB REPORT ON THIS EXPERIMENT! lab report guidelines

To practice figuring out the molar heat of solution, work the odd numbered problems on the Enthalpy Calorimetry worksheet 16-4 AGAIN!  (which you did last homework period) but add in the final step of calculating the molar heat of solution.  ANSWERS My math steps here are much clearer than they were in class.worksheet 16-4 again

Lastly, there are some splendid videos from Mr. Anderson on this page.
Big Idea # 5 - Thermodynamics, videos 46-53 Each video is about 8 minutes, so start watching as you have time-- not all at once  --finish up next week.  Take notes.

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