Monday, February 10, 2014

Lab Report :)

First, read this handout from The Joy of Chemistry: When Matters Heat Up  (10 pages)

...and finally...
Work on your lab reports, first draft due on Thursday.  Communicate with your team to divide up the work, and be super-super diligent to include all the information you are asked for, do all the calculations, show all the work, discuss all the points and questions.  Re-read the handout with highlighter in hand, and underline every little bit that you must be sure to include in the report.  Check last homework blog for directions on the format of a lab report. (Also, I did give you a handout at the beginning of the school year; it should still be in your binder.) 
*To compare materials safety, google MSDS calcium chloride, etc.  You may also wish to know how much a packet of handwarmer usually costs, at a ski slope in Tahoe, for example.

Good job in class; you are the dream team of chemistry.

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