Monday, September 30, 2013

Models, Measures & Maths

I'm hoping that through this lab you see the helpfulness of modelling, and the importance of measuring and mathematics. 

Finish the Nuts & Bolts lab worksheet from class.  You should have enough information from your measurements. You may have to redo the math.  
What you should take away from the worksheet is this:
-how does this activity model the following concepts?  
How do the nuts and bolts model isotopes? 
How do the methods of weighing and averaging the masses of the nuts and bolts model what chemists have to do with a lump of matter to find the atomic weight?
The Law of Definite Composition - what does that even mean?
The Law of Multiple Proportions - do explain... or try, anyway.

This might help:
For review on the Atom:  basic-atomic-structure
worksheet: worksheets/Chemistry/4-3AbundanceIsotopes.pdf  Read the worksheet to understand the lab, and do a couple of the problems, or all for extra credit.

The following homework is due MONDAY, October 7th:
I'm going with this song, even though Daniel Radcliffe's is cooler, and even though y'all voted for that one.  This one's in order and has the symbols and a picture clue as to where you might find the elements in nature or technology.  So start memorizing; I am taking up the challenge of a video response (on your behalf) Seriously... video taping in 2 weeks.

Reading the Textbook: Chapter 3.4-3.7 + section questions.

Alternative to textbook:
Documentary: The Story of Science (55 minutes)

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