Monday, September 16, 2013

Due on Thursday, Sept. 19th

Final lab report on blowguns due on Thursday, self-checked against rubric "Lab Grading Sheet" (which was one of the pages given out the first day of class)  Please print two copies, one to turn in and one to keep in your binder.  On Thursday you will peer-review these in class with Mrs. McKay.

Fill out  the worksheet from class:   For some video help, go here:
are you feeling nostolgic for  -->  [username: pcshome  password: ilearnathome ]

Review vocabulary at quizlet:

One great thing we will be doing in class is teaching each other, and we will take turns.  For next Monday, I would like Avery and Nathan to start with very short demonstrations/explanations.  (See you emails, guys.)

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