Monday, September 30, 2013

Models, Measures & Maths

I'm hoping that through this lab you see the helpfulness of modelling, and the importance of measuring and mathematics. 

Finish the Nuts & Bolts lab worksheet from class.  You should have enough information from your measurements. You may have to redo the math.  
What you should take away from the worksheet is this:
-how does this activity model the following concepts?  
How do the nuts and bolts model isotopes? 
How do the methods of weighing and averaging the masses of the nuts and bolts model what chemists have to do with a lump of matter to find the atomic weight?
The Law of Definite Composition - what does that even mean?
The Law of Multiple Proportions - do explain... or try, anyway.

This might help:
For review on the Atom:  basic-atomic-structure
worksheet: worksheets/Chemistry/4-3AbundanceIsotopes.pdf  Read the worksheet to understand the lab, and do a couple of the problems, or all for extra credit.

The following homework is due MONDAY, October 7th:
I'm going with this song, even though Daniel Radcliffe's is cooler, and even though y'all voted for that one.  This one's in order and has the symbols and a picture clue as to where you might find the elements in nature or technology.  So start memorizing; I am taking up the challenge of a video response (on your behalf) Seriously... video taping in 2 weeks.

Reading the Textbook: Chapter 3.4-3.7 + section questions.

Alternative to textbook:
Documentary: The Story of Science (55 minutes)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Names & Symbols, ka-ching!

Finish the SigFig worksheet from class.  For extra tutorial help, here:
If you understand it from the worksheet instructions, don't bother with the videos, they are probably too long, or just skip around.  It's pretty good practice.:
Answers can be checked here:  (24 Lessons that Rocked the World) page 36
Read your textbook, 3.1-3.3 (only about 6 pages)

Which song do you like better, The Classic...done by Harry Potter...

 or the The NEW Elements Song!


Which Ones to Remember???
Table 3.3 in your textbook (page 51) has a list of the names and symbols of the most common elements. Start memorizing these by making flash cards, or find an app. or quizlet...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thank you, friends, for help with class yesterday.

Review Chapter 2 by skimming through the chapter, reading the pictures, making sure you understand all the vocabulary, getting the main ideas from the summary points at the end of the chapter and briefly answering questions 1-19

Then get an overview of  atoms & molecules with rock star physicist Brian Cox who has such a cool accent.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Due Monday, Sept 23rd

Safety Video (36 minutes) It's the wedding this weekend, so that's all, except review the chapter 2 summary before class. Avery and Nathan, will you be able to do the demos that I emailed you about?  

Review: The Scientific Method According to Monty

Monday, September 16, 2013

Due on Thursday, Sept. 19th

Final lab report on blowguns due on Thursday, self-checked against rubric "Lab Grading Sheet" (which was one of the pages given out the first day of class)  Please print two copies, one to turn in and one to keep in your binder.  On Thursday you will peer-review these in class with Mrs. McKay.

Fill out  the worksheet from class:   For some video help, go here:
are you feeling nostolgic for  -->  [username: pcshome  password: ilearnathome ]

Review vocabulary at quizlet:

One great thing we will be doing in class is teaching each other, and we will take turns.  For next Monday, I would like Avery and Nathan to start with very short demonstrations/explanations.  (See you emails, guys.)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Due on Monday, Sept. 16th.

Worksheet from class: here, if you lost it

Read textbook Chapter 2.4-2.6.  (pages 29-41)

The Science of Macaroni  (watch the first and the third--I couldn't seem to delete the 2nd.)

Save the Date!  Wednesday afternoon, October 16, we will head over the the new Exploratorium, which is on the Pier in San Francisco.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday's Homework due Thursday sept 12

Last Friday, you watched the ChemGuy's video on the Scientific Method and experimented a little with a candle.  So maybe now you would like to know how it really works?  Here are a couple links that can explain:
How Does a Candle Work?    
How Fire Works 

If you have not already done so, complete the worksheet handed out last Thursday, or can be reprinted here:  Scientific Notation
And then go on to the second worksheet:  Working with Scientific Notation
If this is new material, then do the ChemGuy's tutorial: or your own math book.

Lab Report for "Build-a-Better Blowgun
Refer to the handout I gave last week on  writing a lab report.  Following that format, as best as you are able, write up what we did in class.  This will be a rough draft and we will talk about how to polish it up on Thursday.  Typed is good.  Don't worry, I do not expect it to turn out perfect, just try your best.  Thanks for class; I had a lot of fun and it seemed like you were making the most of the project.

Lastly, if you have received your textbook, start reading Chapter 2, sections 1-3 + answer section questions.  (pages 21-29)   ---and get a copy from your library of Uncle Tungsten.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Study of Stuff...Why Does It Matter?

A word about books: In this class I will refer to different kinds of books, and I want you to be careful to distinguish between the different kinds:

  • Textbook World of Chemistry - These belong to you; you may write in your own books.
  • reading book (Uncle Tungsten) Please order a copy from Amazon or from your local library now.
  • spiral bound notes book- to take notes from class and from the videos and textbook homework.  Please title and date each new entry.
  • 3-ring binder for handouts (separate or part of your big binder)
  • lab notebook
  • Please always have a calculator handy, and put some graph paper in your binder.

The Scientific Method 30min [right-click on the colored words; it will take you directly to a new page.]   Print out these files:
Note Taking Guide    Questions Part 1    Questions Part 2
 Pause the video when asked and follow the directions.  Take notes, filling in the worksheets as you go.  YOU WILL NEED A CANDLE AND MATCHES AND Please FOLLOW SAFETY PROTOCOLS.

MythBusters!  watch the episode above (5 minutes), and write a summary in your  notebook: observations, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion.  How did they follow the scientific method?

If you need help, feel free to call on any day except Sunday.  415 892-8540  Computer or printer issues? tell me right away.  ALSO, DOES ANYONE HAVE A PVC PIPE CUTTER? Ask your dads, Lasleys, et al...Put it in your backpack right now and bring on Monday. And leave a comment.

Lastly, if you got the worksheet for scientific notation, it is due next Thursday.  If you need a tutorial, go here: