Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A preview of this chapter, Solutions:

This week's topic, Solutions, is well covered by these three teaching videos.  Follow along with the handout I gave you in class. (Jacquiline, you can print out from the site).  Lots of pages, but most of them go pretty fast.  Each video is about 25 minutes, so break it up.

Videos are found here:

These lessons covers sections 15.1-15.3 and 15.10 in our textbooks. (The rest of the chapter is the maths.)
Also chapter 7 in the comic book guide, pages 129-140.

Begin to collect your notes for chapters 13-15, we will have an exam, emphasizing vocabulary, major concepts and a little math (gas laws, molarity)
This Thursday we will pick out demonstrations to do for Monday's class on topics covered recently- gases, phase changes, pressure, solutions.  Next Thursday will be the test. (material covered by blogs since March 20th).


  1. The wizard, on page 134, wonders how much a mole of moles weighs...

