Monday, December 2, 2013


First of all, let's solidify the work we did in class exploring the six different kinds of chemical reactions.  Re-read the handout introduction and work through the pages following, making sure you have correctly formulated the balanced equations for each station.  Then complete the last page which is a worksheet with balancing equations.
Read textbook sections 8.4& 8.5,   (pages 226-235) be sure to do the self-checks in the tan boxes. Answer ALL end-of-chapter questions (page 246) for each section, #17-23, and #24-29. Turn in this homework Thursday.  ALSO bring a water sample from home to Thursday's class. (A film canister or any small container will do.)

Last homework period we got started on the packet of review worksheets; you should already have completed the first two [1.1 (Element Names) and 4.2 Isotope Notation], now continue with 6.2 - Information on Periodic Table, and watch this series of 3 videos:

Next Monday we will start giving "demo" reactions - kinda like speech class - each student will present a chemical reaction, with the balanced equation, to the class.  On Thursday I will bring some books that you can choose from, or you can troll the internet.  You will need to use what either you have or I have, so ask me.  Nothing really dangerous, sorry. 

We will have a semester "final" in two weeks!  Make sure you are confident regarding vocabulary for chapters 1-8. For reference:
These are all put together by students and they may contain errors; nevertheless, they may be helpful.
 HEY! I FIGURED OUT HOW TO USE MY now I can post the answers to the textbook questions. Please avail yourself, because the best way to see if you need extra help is to check your own work immediately.  So... section 8.4 answers and section 8.5 answers

1 comment:

  1. Why do we have to troll the internet? I already do that.

    I think trawling is a better way to go... :) :P
