Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Study of Stuff...Why Does It Matter?

A word about books: In this class I will refer to different kinds of books, and I want you to be careful to distinguish between the different kinds:

  • Textbook World of Chemistry - These belong to you; you may write in your own books.
  • reading book (Uncle Tungsten) Please order a copy from Amazon or from your local library now.
  • spiral bound notes book- to take notes from class and from the videos and textbook homework.  Please title and date each new entry.
  • 3-ring binder for handouts (separate or part of your big binder)
  • lab notebook
  • Please always have a calculator handy, and put some graph paper in your binder.

The Scientific Method 30min [right-click on the colored words; it will take you directly to a new page.]   Print out these files:
Note Taking Guide    Questions Part 1    Questions Part 2
 Pause the video when asked and follow the directions.  Take notes, filling in the worksheets as you go.  YOU WILL NEED A CANDLE AND MATCHES AND Please FOLLOW SAFETY PROTOCOLS.

MythBusters!  watch the episode above (5 minutes), and write a summary in your  notebook: observations, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion.  How did they follow the scientific method?

If you need help, feel free to call on any day except Sunday.  415 892-8540  Computer or printer issues? tell me right away.  ALSO, DOES ANYONE HAVE A PVC PIPE CUTTER? Ask your dads, Lasleys, et al...Put it in your backpack right now and bring on Monday. And leave a comment.

Lastly, if you got the worksheet for scientific notation, it is due next Thursday.  If you need a tutorial, go here:


  1. We may have a pipe cutter. I will check.

  2. My dad doesn't have a PVP cutter. He said that he generally just uses a hand saw. He did also ask what size pipe you need to cut.

  3. We have a PVC pipe cutter. I will bring it Monday.

  4. My dad also bought one. So, there's that.
